Leadership | Obstacles That Build Strength

Webster’s Dictionary defines the word Obstacles as “something that impedes progress or achievement,” we have all had obstacles put in front of us throughout our lives, it is how we handle those obstacles that make us who we are and the person we will become. Will these obstacles make us leaders, or will they truly impede our progress to become who we want to be when we grow up? 

You can watch young children learning how to get up on their own two feet to begin to walk. Did you ever think how many times they get knocked down but always continue to get back up until they overcome that obstacle? What is it that we lose as we grow older to make us continue to push forward until we overcome these obstacles? Is it the people we surround ourselves with that give us the confidence to push through or is it the will power we have built up in our brains that will not allow these obstacles to get in our way of becoming the successful leaders we set out to be?

I always knew I was a strong woman.  My earliest memory is at the age of 4 walking down the street with my Mom wearing my Minnie Mouse sunglasses thinking I was so cool.  That was until I walked into a telephone pole because I could not see!  I did not cry, I just got up, brushed off my sundress and kept walking with my head held high. I kept the same pace but became more aware of my surroundings.

Fast forward at the age of 19, I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Disease.  It was devastating to me and my family and it was scary, but I wasn’t going to let it define me.  I knew I had an amazing support system around me and with a positive attitude I would beat this.  So, I continued to work and go to school and dealt with treatments in between.  I stayed positive and beat the cancer and got my bachelors but knew I needed to take care of me before I continued with my education.  But promised myself at some point in my life, I would get my masters. 

I never wanted to be pitied.  I knew that this was the path that was chosen for me.  I could have just felt sorry for myself or I could reflect and learn from the experience.   

I learned that an amazing support system is necessary to deal with obstacles.  I am first generation American with a family that instilled that if we stick together and stay positive nothing is impossible.  The friends that stuck by me and supported me are the same people I still have in my life many years later and I am so grateful for them.  They are my team and I would do anything for these people and them the same for me.

A lesson I learned is people may have a plan on how life or projects are supposed to be but obstacles will get in the way.  I believe being proactive, focused, determined, and asking for help, makes it possible to overcome those obstacles.    It is important to be empathetic and understand that we all have paths that have had hiccups, but our paths have crossed for a reason.  Let’s learn from each other and the experience.  Let’s applaud the things that worked and learn from things that didn’t work so we don’t make the same mistakes.  

Over 25 years later, I continue through life making the impossible possible; I received my masters a few years ago while working and commuting 130 miles daily, and I have an amazing son even though doctors swore that it would be impossible.  My extended family has grown, and we carry a lot of our traditions and make new ones.  

I have worked for amazing organizations and have worked with some of the most inspiring people that have a passion for life and what they do.  We have created products that change the customer experience for the better.  Autonomous cars, mobile counter bypass, managing remote teams, and mentoring people on the other side of the world are just a few initiatives I have worked on that seemed impossible at conception but are the way we live today.  In the process, I met such amazing people and have learned about so many different cultures and traditions, gaining the utmost respect for them all!  We have learned to work hard and have fun in the process. But my most gratifying measure of success is watching my team get the recognition they deserve. 

In life we will always be faced with obstacles, whether it is trying to stand up and walk when we are babies, a brick wall we need to get over or a mental block that impedes us from becoming the leaders we want to be. We must always choose to overcome those that hinder our achievements, keep our heads up, learn from our previous mistakes and watch out for those poles!

Angela Barbato is an award-winning Agile Product Leader. Having held a range of senior leadership roles, Angela is a foremost expert on the topics of leadership, transformation and customer experience. You can find out more about Angela at https://abarbato.com.

2 Replies to “Leadership | Obstacles That Build Strength”

  1. Well written. I truly believe in this part “I believe being proactive, focused, determined, and asking for help, makes it possible to overcome those obstacles.”

    A lot of time you have to have faith and keep going. It is your family and friends who will support you if you are open to share.

    Thanks Angela for such a good read.

  2. Family above all. In knowing and being involved with your Family, your love, faith and the focus you show in whatever you do is proof positive your real. What you see is what you get. I’m proud to have met you and your Family. Thank you.

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