Keeping Teams Productive During Layoffs and Furloughs

During financially difficult times, companies may resort to furloughs or layoffs as a way to weather the storm. Though those furloughed or laid off might receive some sort of compensation, the employees that remain on staff may end up taking on the extra workload created by the loss of employees. A decrease in morale may also occur – not only because of the extra work, but due to the loss of team members, as well as an uncertain future. Workplace culture can take a nosedive, creating a cycle of morale dips negatively impacting culture and the newly lowered culture causing more drops in morale. It becomes not only the company’s responsibility to keep its employees afloat during these times, but it becomes the managers’ responsibility to help keep their employees focused, motivated, and feeling supported.

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Leadership | Obstacles That Build Strength

Webster’s Dictionary defines the word Obstacles as “something that impedes progress or achievement,” we have all had obstacles put in front of us throughout our lives, it is how we handle those obstacles that make us who we are and the person we will become. Will these obstacles make us leaders, or will they truly impede our progress to become who we want to be when we grow up? 

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